Sandy's Sandwiches

Mobile App for Local Sandwich Shop




UX Designer

Jan 22 - July 22


Sandy’s Sandwiches is a regional sandwich maker located in the center of a metropolitan area. Sandy’s Sandwiches strives to deliver healthy, specialty sandwiches. They offer a wide spectrum of competitive pricing. Sandy’s Sandwiches targets customers like commuters and students who lack the time or ability to prepare a family dinner. 

The Problem

Busy workers and students want a convenient healthy meal.

Project Overview

The Goal

Design an app for Sandy’s Sandwiches that allows users to easily order and pick up fresh, healthy sandwiches at their convenience.

User Research


Assumptions and Research

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m
designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was working adults and students who don’t have time to cook meals. 

This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Sandy’s Sandwich customers, but research also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting users from cooking at home.
Other user problems included obligations, interests, or challenges that make it
difficult to get groceries for cooking or go to restaurants in-person. 

Pain Points

Working adults and students are too busy to spend time on meal prep

Users wanted to be able to pick up at specific times and locations

Use of pictures to assist with quick ordering and accessibility to those who might find text difficult to read





Digitally Sketched Wireframe Ideas

Digitally sketching out the userflow and possible wireframes helped me iterate quickly to arrive at the final design

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was building and ordering a sandwich, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.

View the Sally’s Sandwich
low-fidelity prototype

Useability Studies

Round 1 Findings

Round 2 Findings

  • Users want to order sandwiches quickly
  • Users want more customization options
  • Users want a pickup option
  • Users wanted to enter in their pickup time before putting in their payment information
  • Users wanted a counter in the cart so they could add additional sandwiches that way rather than going back to the menu to replicate the same sandwich

Mockups & Changes

Early designs allowed for some customization,
but after the usability studies, I added the option to add more of the same sandwich to the Cart screen. I also moved the pickup time options and location to the Cart screen so it would be before adding payment information

Key Screen Mockups

High-fidelity Prototype

The final high-fidelity prototype presented cleaner user flows for building a sandwich and checkout. It also met user needs for a choosing the pickup time and location before entering in their payment information as well as more customization. 
View the Sandy’s Sandwiches high-fidelity prototype

Accessibility Considerations

Provided access to users who are vision impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.

Used icons to help make navigation easier.

Used detailed imagery for toppings to help all users
better understand the designs.


What I Learned

The app makes users feel like Sandy’s Sandwiches really thinks about how to meet their needs.
One quote from peer feedback:
"It was easy to create my own custom sandwich and add it to my cart"

While designing the Sandy’s Sandwiches app, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.

Next Steps

  • Conduct another round of usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed.
  • Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need.